Flash Drive Containing .mp3 Audio File and .pdf Course Book File
In this October 8, 2020, 3.3-hour course, Neil Pedersen, Esquire provides valuable insights on building and managing an efficient, successful law practice. This practical discussion covers developing clientele; professional, effective practices and procedures; important technologies for properly servicing your clients; financial aspects; and much more.Mr. Pedersen, Principal of Pedersen Law, APLC in Irvine, California, has practiced law for over thirty years and teaches as an adjunct law professor on several topics, including Law Practice Management.
Major topics include: - Fundamental basic needs - Developing clientele - Significance of client matter selection - Important technology for properly serving clients - Professional, effective practices and procedures - Effectively managing time - Properly handling, and caring, of clients - Financial aspects - Surviving and succeeding in these stressful times - Risk management - Creating and maintaining your competence FORMS FOR LAWYERS: For fully-editable immediately downloadable forms in many practice areas, please go to www.NLFforms.com.