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Newly Amended (12/1/21) FRCP 30(b)(6): Best Practices And Avoiding Traps
Newly Amended (12/1/21) FRCP 30(b)(6): Best Practices And Avoiding Traps


Flash Drive Containing .mp3 Audio File and .pdf Course Book File

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ("FRCP") 30(b)(6) deposition is the process by which a party in civil litigation may depose an organization. A thorough knowledge of the Rules' provisions is needed in order to take advantage of its benefits and to avoid potentially disastrous consequences. Such knowledge is even more imperative now with the important December 1, 2021 amendment.

In this one-hour June 28, 2021 program, Michael J. Hutter, Esquire provides all of that important knowledge, plus discusses best practices and suggests how to avoid traps for the unwary.

Mr. Hutter is Professor of Law at Albany Law School where he teaches Evidence, Federal Jurisdiction/Practice, and other courses. He has received numerous honors, including the Albany Law School Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Schenectady County Bar Association's President's Award. Mr. Hutter is also Special Counsel to the Albany, New York law firm of Powers & Santola, LLP.

Major topics include:
- FRCP 30(b)(6) provisions
- The December 1, 2021 amendment provisions
- Takeaways: working with the amended FRCP 30(b)(6)
- "meet and confer"
- designation of subject matter
- objectives
- designation of representative(s)
- sanctions
- privileges
- more
- Useful practice tips

FORMS FOR LAWYERS: For fully-editable immediately downloadable forms in many practice areas, please go to www.NLFforms.com.

BOOKS FOR LAWYERS: Over 125 useful books on important legal issues facing attorneys are now available for immediate download at www.NLFforms.com. (Reading books without also listening to or viewing a recorded seminar earns NO CLE credits.)

Price: $51.00