Flash Drives Containing .mp3 Audio Files and Course Books
Includes The Following 13 Courses:
Legal Ethics Compilation (4.25 Ethics Credits)
Understanding And Reducing Unconscious Biases In The Legal Profession (1 Implicit Bias Credit)
Diversity And Inclusion In The Legal Profession (1 Bias Elimination Credit)
Substance Abuse: Attorney Addiction And Recovery (1 Competence Credit)
Substance Use And Abuse In The Legal Profession (1 Competence Credit)
Professional Conduct: What Not To Do In Practice (1 Civility Credit)
Protecting Your Client Matters From Cyber Attacks (1 Technology Credit)
Arbitration: Important Developments (3.25 General Credits)
Employment Law Hot Topics (2 General Credits)
Intellectual Property (3.25 General Credits)
Mediation: Successful Planning (1 General Credit)
Successful Negotiating Tactics In Mediation And Litigation (2 General Credits)
Work Product Doctrine (3.25 General Credits)